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Top 5 Toenail Fungus Preventative Tips

Many people in the United States suffer from a toenail fungus infection which is why it is important to know the top 5 toenail fungus preventative tips. This can help you stay fungus free even if people around you have a toenail fungus infection. If you are suffering from a toenail fungus infection, please call one of our foot specialists at (800) 672-0625 who provide laser treatment for toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Preventative Tips #1

The first tip we have here is to try and keep your feet clean and dry. The reason why you want to keep your feet clean and especially dry is that the fungus thrives in warm moist environments. This is especially true for people who work long hours standing on their feet. Make sure to always wash your feet daily with soap and water. Clean your feet thoroughly paying special attention to the areas between your toes. Once your feet are nice and clean, dry feet well, do not leave your feet damp, especially if you are putting on shoes right after cleaning them.

Another important tip is to change your socks frequently. The reason you want to change your socks frequently is that when wearing them for an extended period of time can create a moist environment that encourages fungus to grow. Changing your socks daily will help prevent toenail fungus or more often if your feet sweat heavily throughout the day. By following this tip, you can reduce your risk of developing toenail fungus

Toenail Fungus Preventative Tips #2

Another tip that some people might not be aware of is wearing shoes that fit well. This is important to prevent toenail fungus as tight-fitting shoes can create a warm, moist environment that encourages a toenail fungus to grow. As you get older, your shoe size can change. You should measure your feet before buying a new pair of shoes. This will ensure you buy the right shoe size. When buying shoes, it is recommended to buy them at the end of the day. this is because your feet can swell throughout the day so it’s best to try on new shoes when your feet are at their largest.

Another important factor is buying shoes with a wide-toe box. Shoes with a narrow toe box can squeeze your toes together and increase the risk of developing a toenail fungus. Also, when buying shoes, it is best to buy shoes with breathable material. Buying shoes with a breathable material like mesh or leather will help keep your feet dry thus reducing the risk of a toenail fungus infection.

Lastly, you should avoid wearing high heels and shoes with pointed toes. Although they can be cute and very stylish, wearing them on a daily basis can cause toenail fungus to develop. The reason why you can develop a toenail fungus with high heels and pointed-toed shoes is they put pressure on your toes. This pressure can create a damp, moist environment for a toenail fungus to grow. It is important to take care of your feet when choosing new shoes.

Prevention Tips #3

When it comes to avoiding toenail fungus, it is important to not share any personal items. Toenail fungus is contagious and can spread from person to person. Some personal items you should not be sharing are your shoes and socks. Toenail fungus thrives in warm, moist environments like in shoes and socks. The toenail fungus can spread through contact with infected socks and shoes. Another personal item you should not be sharing is your towel. The toenail fungus can be spreading through contact with the infected skin and toenails. If someone who has a toenail fungus infection is going to use your towel, make sure to wash it before using it again to ensure you will not get infected.

Other important personal items to not share are your sandals and flip-flops. These are so easily interchangeable with people you may live with. Make sure no one else is using your sandals or flip-flops, especially when you are in public spaces. Lastly, make sure to not share any of your nail care items, like nail clippers and nail filers, with anyone. When someone who has a toenail fungus infection uses your nail care items, they can directly infect your nails. Especially when they are not properly cleaned and sanitized after each use. It is best to not let anyone use your nail clippers, filers, and all other nail care items.

Preventative Tips #4

Another important preventative tip is to always wear shoes in public spaces. Walking barefoot in public spaces can greatly increase your chance of getting a toenail fungus environment. A common place people do not think of wearing shoes is public pools. People will walk around the pool area barefoot and you can never know if someone who has a toenail fungus infection has also been walking barefoot. Always wear some flip-flops or sandals at the public pools.

Another common place to get a toenail fungus infection is in locker rooms. People tend to change and shower in locker rooms. People who do not wear any shoes in lockers are at a high risk of getting a toenail fungus infection. This is especially true in gym locker rooms as many people tend to be sweaty and not the cleanest. Always wear shoes if you do not want to get infected with a toenail fungus.

Even in your own homes, you can be at risk. If someone in your household has a toenail fungus infection, it is important to always wear shoes if they tend to walk barefoot. Toenail fungus can be found in our everyday environment so the best way to avoid it is to always wear shoes. Avoid walking barefoot to ensure that you will not get infected with a toenail fungus. It is especially important during the summertime as it is more likely to get infected when it is hot as fungus thrives in warm, moist environments.

Toenail Fungus Preventative Tips #5

The last of the toenail fungus preventative tips we recommend is keeping good foot hygiene. In addition to keeping your feet clean and dry, it is important to maintain your nails. This includes trimming your nails regularly. Avoid picking or biting your nails. Also, you should not wear nail polish or the same artificial nails for an extended period of time as it can lead to a toenail fungus infection. These habits can help prevent fungal growth and keep your nails healthy.

If you tend to go to nail salons, make sure they are sanitary and clean. Many people have gotten a toenail fungus infection from nail salons. Make sure that all nail equipment is disinfected and clean. It is recommended to bring your own personal nail care items to ensure you won’t get infected with toenail fungus. Make sure the nail salon is clean and sanitized each time you go.

Laser Treatment

At our Laser Nail Therapy clinics, our doctors offer laser treatment, which is the most effective and non-invasive treatment for toenail fungus. They use state-of-the-art laser technology to treat toenail fungus. Our doctors use the FDA-approved PinPointe Foot Laser. It has a cure rate of eighty-five percent after just one treatment. Most of our patients only need one treatment. The treatment is safe with no side effects. There is also pain involved with the treatment. Most patients say they feel a warming sensation when receiving the treatment. After treatment, you can go about your daily activities. There is no downtime or recovery period.

How does laser treatment for toenail fungus work?

You might be wondering how laser treatment works. Our board-certified podiatrists will first debride your nails if they’re thick. They will trim and file down your nail to ensure the laser penetrates all the way through your nail bed. Afterward, they will perform the laser treatment. The laser uses a concentrated heat source that targets the fungus only. The laser is applied over the nails in a grid-like pattern to ensure the entire nail is covered. This will kill all the fungus that is present on your nail and your nail bed. It also doesn’t damage the surrounding skin. The laser beams are emitted in pulses to ensure the treatment won’t be painful. Most people feel a warming sensation when the treatment is performed.

Once the treatment is finished, our foot doctors will explain any necessary post-treatment care. Although all the fungus has been killed, there is always a chance for reinfection in the environment around you. It is important to follow all necessary post-treatment care to ensure the toenail fungus infection will not return. In some cases, some of our doctors will recommend more than one treatment. If that is your case, the follow-up treatments are given at a reduced rate.
