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Treatment and Prevention of Toenail Fungus in Las Vegas, NV

Some people are prone to having countless foot problems and infections if their feet are not properly taken care of. Wearing work shoes for extended periods of time may cause moisture buildup. And the dark, moist area is the most perfect environment for fungus to thrive in. Read this entry to see how Laser Nail Therapy can help you find the best treatment and prevention of toenail fungus in Las Vegas, NV.

Toenail Fungus Prevention Techniques

Wearing proper footwear can help prevent toenail fungus. Our doctors recommend that patients ensure that the size of footwear is correct and shoes are not too small. Otherwise, small shoes may cause bruising on the nails, leaving an opening for further infection. Wearing sandals or flip-flops when walking around in public places is also highly recommended. Such sites include public/gym showers, swimming pools, and locker rooms. And always try to keep your feet clean and dry.

If you’re very serious about preventing a toenail fungus infection you may also use antifungal medicines to shield you from fungus. Our podiatrists encourage patients to use a set of 3 products to prevent reinfection post-treatment. First, for about 2 weeks patients should use an antifungal cream on the skin of the foot to kill off any skin fungus. Skin fungal infections are also known as athletes’ feet. These infections may often lead to toenail fungus. Then patients are recommended to use an antifungal oil-based lacquer on the nails. This solution acts as a shield to prevent fungus from jumping into the nail and multiplying. Lastly, patients are instructed to use antifungal spray inside their shoes to kill off any fungus living there.

Best Treatment for Toenail Fungus Infections

If you find yourself struggling with a toenail fungus infection Laser Nail Therapy will guide you in the right direction. Let us help you find the best treatment for you that will work. Laser treatments to kill fungus under the nails have become a popular way of treatment. This treatment helps patients achieve clearer, thinner as they had prior to a fungal infection. And most laser treatments are quick and painless procedures.  In addition, the specific device used at the Laser Nail Therapy offices is approved by the U.S. FDA and is trusted by hundreds of doctors nationwide.

If you choose to ignore toenail fungus you might be faced with some serious repercussions. This is especially dangerous for patients with poor circulation or nerve damage. Once a fungal infection enters the body the longer one waits the harder it is to treat the infection.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a toenail fungus infection, our podiatrist in Las Vegas, NV can help. Our board-certified doctor uses the PinPointe FootLaser to kill fungi that live inside or under the toenails. Furthermore, we help patients with the Treatment and Prevention of Toenail Fungus in Las Vegas. Additionally, our doctor can also help you with other foot issues such as ingrown toenails. Call us today at (800) 672-0625 to schedule your free consultation with our doctor. Don’t wait! Get rid of your toenail fungus today!

