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Using Bleach To Kill Fungus

Get rid of your toenail fungus today

Using bleach to kill fungus is not recommended. Bleach and other at-home “treatments” suggested for fungus on the internet often cause more harm than good. These treatments are never recommended by podiatrists and can be very dangerous. However, some people may be attracted to them because of their accessibility. Because they don’t require a potentially costly visit to the doctor, these recommendations can have appeal.

Why not use bleach as fungus treatment

Bleach is a cleaning product and has no medical usage whatsoever. Applying this chemical to the skin is likely to cause chemical burns. Not only will chemical burns be painful and another reason you may need to see the doctor, but they can also become infected. By using cleaning products to attempt to “treat” your fungal infection, you could be opening the door to another infection down the line. 

Bleach won’t cure your fungal infection either. This chemical is ineffective as an antifungal agent and doesn’t penetrate into the nail bed efficiently. Using bleach on your skin is just causing harm with minimal benefit. 

Diluting bleach won’t help either. While foot soaks can be effective at softening the nail enough to cut them, adding cleaning products won’t improve your nail’s condition. This is just going to slowly irritate your skin.

Softening Thick Fungal Nails At Home

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Bleach isn’t an effective solution for toenail fungus. Safe treatments for fungus include the PinPointe laser, which has no side effects at all! As a result, this laser kills the fungus in just one session and doesn’t require you to take a long course of medication. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
