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Why Bleaching Toenail Fungus Is Bad

Why bleaching toenail fungus is bad? Bleaching is a cleaning method that is useful for disinfecting and cleaning many different things. According to the bottle label instructions, it should never be applied to the human body at all. Bleach is necessarily a very strong chemical due to its role as a cleaning agent.

Bleach Treatment

The fungal infection can sometimes be perceived as “dirt”. It makes sense that some people would think bleach would be a good option to “clean” it. Sometimes, even online blogs and articles may recommend this dangerous treatment. Usually, these are not written by people with any medical training. It is important to understand the risks of any treatment you attempt. Especially if it is done at home and involves chemicals like bleach. Using bleach on your toes and skin will like a bad idea once you understand the harm it can do. As well as the lack of benefits that the chemical has for toenail fungus. 

Bleaching is not effective as a topical treatment for fungus for different reasons. The most important is that cleaning products like bleach are actually designed to be as harsh as possible. This is necessary when using them for cleaning. However, the skin of humans is not designed as such and is more susceptible to the dangers of bleach. Any type of contact with bleach risks bad damage to the skin. It is not worth the attempt. Symptoms from using bleach on the skin include irritation, redness, and pain. Also, chemical burns which can cause blistering and even permanent damage to the skin.

Dangerous Toenail Fungus Treatment

If you have tried bleaching any part of your skin, you are likely experiencing pain, irritation, and burning. You must take quick steps to prevent any further damage from occurring. You need to immediately remove any clothing with the bleach so that it won’t continue to harm you.

This will prevent residual bleach in the fabric from causing further damage without you realizing it is. After this, an equally important step is to rinse off the bleach with lukewarm or cool water. Hot water can actually make the irritation and inflammation worse. So you should avoid that and use cool or room temperature water instead. You can use an unscented soap on the area afterward to scrub away residual bleach. 

Toenail Fungus Cures

Aside from bleaching that is very dangerous, there are other options available to treat toenail fungus. The most helpful thing to do can be to seek out an FDA-approved treatment. It should be administered by a nail doctor. Many treatments for toenail fungus are actually ineffective. Some of them also carry risks of side effects as well.

For example, some nail doctors will prescribe topical treatments that are very weak at killing the fungus from the nail. It can take really long. Oral medications maybe a little more effective than topical medications. Although, it comes with the risk of severe side effects for the body which include liver toxicity.

The best treatment for fungus available is the PinPointe laser. This treatment is FDA-approved and typically requires only one treatment to completely eliminate the fungus from the nail bed. It also is completely safe and has no risk of side effects. Compared to oral medication, there are fewer limitations on who can get the treatment done. To see all of our 150 podiatry clinics for PinPointe laser, visit our page here.
