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Thickened Fungal Nail Softening

Thickened fungal nail softening is important to maintain overall hygiene while dealing with a nail fungus. Because nail fungus can sometimes take a while to cure completely, you should take steps to improve hygiene in the meantime. An important part of nail hygiene is trimming the nails regularly. This can sometimes be difficult when toenails are thickened and hardened from a fungal infection.

Why should I soften my thickened nails?

Nail softening is essential so that you can safely and easily trim fungal nails. Softened nails are less likely to cut jaggedly and unevenly. They are also simply easier to get clippers through. Often, fungal nails are so thick and hard that even medical-grade clippers used by a medical professional can’t get through them. In this case, some sort of nail thinning or softening is a necessity.

Nail softening is easily done at home with access to warm water. Simply fill a bathtub, bucket, or another container with enough water to submerge your feet. Soak your feet in the water for 20-40 minutes. If your nails are still too hard to cut, try again the next day until they are trimmable.

Other Options for Thickened Nails

Nail softening sometimes isn’t enough to be able to trim your nails. If your toenails are especially thick, you may need to see a podiatrist to have debridement performed. This treatment thins down the nail and is usually done so that treatment for the fungus itself can be more effective. 

Nail softening and trimming should be combined with an effective treatment for fungus. This is the most effective way to see long-lasting softening of the nail, and improvement in other fungal symptoms. The PinPointe Laser is the best treatment available for fungus and typically requires only one session to eliminate it from your nail bed. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.

Softening Thick Fungal Nails At Home
