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Nail Fungus and Weak Nails

Nail fungus and weak nails go hand in hand. So you’ve tried time after time to grow out your nails? The image of long perfect glossy nails always just a bit out of reach. You try and try but for some reason your nails keep flaking, breaking, and cracking. What is the reason for this and how do you fix it?

How to strengthen your nails through your diet

Iron is one of the main benefactors of long healthy nails and if you have an iron deficiency your nails could be suffering. Iron helps hemoglobin, a molecule that helps transfer red blood cells and fresh oxygen to your nail matrix. Without iron you’ll get depressed sad looking nails, with indentations and chips. The complete opposite of the look most people are going for. Try adding more iron to your diet or taking an iron pill which can be easily purchased at your local drug store. You should see a world of difference sooner rather than later.

Why do your nails get damaged?

Here’s a new one in regards to this generation, typing and texting! Who’d have thought with the advancement of modern technology we’d bring damage to our nails? But if you’re nails are constantly tapping and hitting your screen or keyboard repeatedly for hours everyday you’re bound to get nail fractures and chips due to the sheer repeating force. Try filing your nails down to just the tips of the white but with enough room that they extend over the fleshy part of your fingers.

What to avoid when you have weak nails

If you’re uptight about germs and find yourself washing your hands more than the average person chances are you’re drying out your cuticles. Water dries your skin out, and because of this your cuticles can suffer. If your cuticles are dry that means that when the nail forms it will likely be prone to cracking, splitting, and breaking. Be generous with your lotions, apply a good amount to your hands and really work the fingers, knuckles, and massage the cuticles.

Nail Polish Side Effects

One last thing ladies, if you’re a lover of nail polish you can’t let the polish sit on your nails for too long! Nail polish has drying agents that drain the moisture out of your nails and nail plate weakening it. Most dermatologists recommend taking polish off after 5 days and letting your nails breathe a few days in between sessions. And don’t forget to apply a moisturizing lotion before applying a base coat to nail polish! This will help fill in any microscopic cracks or indentations  while giving your nails an extra added boost of moisture!

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

If you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically only takes on treatment.

Our nail doctor in Austin, TX recommends this treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 160 locations.
