Can my nail fungus spread to other parts of my body? Many people avoid treating their nail fungus for one reason or another. Either they think the issue will go away on its own, or they believe that simply nothing will work or that they have too extreme or a case, etc. For whatever reason, this can lead to further damage to the nail not only in appearance but also in the overall health of the nail.

How common is it for nail fungus to spread?

According to doctors who specialize in nail disorders, about one out of every twenty-four cases of nail fungus will spread to other parts of the body such as the fingernails, hands, back, and legs. Elderly individuals and/or those who take medications that weaken immunity are more susceptible to the spreading of fungus.

Furthermore, if you allow the problem to persist and go untreated the fungus will progressively move from the cuticle (where it originates typically) to the tip of the nail. It can also cause the nails to thicken, become discolored, brittle, and become inflamed and/or painful.

If you believe your nail fungus is spreading, seek medical attention. The best course of action is to see a nail doctor determine if it is a nail fungus. Ask your doctor questions on how to prevent the spreading of nail fungus. Learn ways to avoid getting nail fungus.

Mild Nail Fungus Infection

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

If you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically only takes on treatment. Other treatments like topical solutions and oral medication are not as effective. Topical solutions have a very low cure rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way through the nail bed. Oral medication is not recommended by our nail doctors. This is because it can lead to liver toxicity. You would need to have consistent blood tests throughout the course of taking the medication. 

Our nail doctor in Fort Collins, CO recommends this treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.