Bleach as toenail fungus treatment isn’t recommended. Treating toenail fungus at home is a big feat to attempt. Even prescription medications for toenail fungus are usually ineffective. DIY treatments for nail fungus should always be viewed with a grain of salt. If you are looking into these treatments, you should make sure they are safe before you attempt them. Bleach is one method that is sometimes recommended on the internet. However, the use of bleach to treat toenail fungus is not recommended and should be avoided.

Side Effects of Bleach

The use of bleach can actually cause infections if you pour it on your skin. It does this by burning the skin itself, which damages the protection it creates against infection. It makes sense that bleach will harm the skin because it is a chemical made for cleaning. Using cleaning products, which are harsh chemicals, against their intended use is ill-advised. In fact, even the fumes from bleach can be damaging to breathe in for too long, so direct contact with the skin is even more dangerous.

Bleach is not only dangerous for the skin but won’t solve the issue of toenail fungus. Even if the bleach is able to penetrate into the nail bed, it is ineffective at killing fungal spores. If you try this treatment at home, you are likely to be left with an irritated or burned toe and no results to show for it.


Bad Smell From Toenails treatment


Laser for Toenail Fungus

While bleach isn’t a good option for toenail fungus treatment, there are other options available that are. For example, the PinPointe laser eliminates fungus in the nail bed with just one session. This laser also has no side effects or downtime, and won’t burn your skin as bleach does! The laser treatment is done by podiatrists, who are doctors specialized in feet that know how to keep you safe. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call or visit our website for more information.

podiatrist near you who treat toenail fungus