Warmer weather means different body parts come out from their long winter slumber. Legs and knees are no longer covered, arms are out for all to see, and sandals, slides, and open-toed shoes become the footwear of choice.
Unfortunately, wearing open-toed shoes is out of the question for thousands of people because of unsightly, uncomfortable, and untreated toenail fungus.
You’ve put off treating and removing your toenail fungus for several reasons. You make statements to yourself like, “It doesn’t hurt, so why mess with it”, “No one really sees my feet, so why bother?”, or “I don’t have that kind of money right now.”
The cost of toenail fungus laser treatment isn’t as high as you’re estimating and ignoring the issue is costing you more than you realize.
Before discussing the cost of laser nail therapy, let’s tackle the obvious signs of a toenail fungus issue.
First, it’s important to note that toenail fungus can happen to anyone. Even the cleanest and healthiest people can contract toenail fungus from various places, including gym showers, public pools, hotel rooms, spas, and poorly maintained nail salons.
Fungus makes your nail turn white, yellow, or brown. It also gets thicker and may smell off-putting. The edges get uneven and lift, crumble, and break.
Toenail fungus isn’t just unsightly. The fungus could spread to healthy toenails or even throughout the body if left untreated. If your immune system isn’t in top shape, the toenail fungus could let more serious infections into your body.
Laser treatment is the only true remedy for the permanent removal of toenail fungus, but people naturally worry about the costs of the procedure. Before diving into laser toenail treatment costs, let’s discuss the hidden costs of not getting toenail fungus removed by professionals.
How much money have you spent on ointments, pills, and other home remedies to help alleviate toenail fungus? How many have worked? Obviously, none, or why would you be reading this article?
All of these ineffective options are often pricey – sometimes over $100 – and typically don’t solve the toenail fungus problem completely.
The prescribed pills used to treat toenail fungus are costly and often come with physical side effects. Antifungal drugs often make people feel sick to their stomach or can cause constant headaches. Plus, taking the pills for so many months means doctors must monitor closely to ensure the medications don’t lead to liver damage or other medical issues.
The unhelpful lotions, ointments, and prescriptions don’t just cost people money. They rob patients of their most valuable commodity – time.
Over-the-counter toenail fungus treatments and remedies typically require months of use before a patient sees any results, and sometimes, a cure doesn’t come at all. Topical treatments like tea tree oil, Vick’s ointment, or antifungal nail polish are even less effective and must be applied regularly to the nails every single day and only cure a handful of patients.
Compare all that time wasted to the cost of a one-hour laser treatment for toenail fungus removal that has an 85% success rate. You can easily conclude the most efficient solution to toenail fungus without needing a calculator or calendar.
Laser toenail fungus removal is fast, and with clinics throughout the United States, scheduling an appointment is simple and easy. Our offices are in over 100 major cities across the United States, including New York City, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Boston, Chicago, Miami, and Phoenix. Most locations are open seven days a week.
Untreated toenail fungus is costing not only time and money but your freedom—the freedom from the embarrassment that comes any time you have to take your shoes off in public.
Laser toenail fungus removal means being able to take off your shoes at the beach, the gym, in front of a partner, or when trying on those new sandals you’ve had your eye on all season.
The cost of laser nail therapy varies, with the average procedure typically costing around $1000. Credit, debit, or cash is accepted at all Laser Nail Therapy locations. You can also use a Flexible Medical Spending Account (Medical FSA) to cover the procedure.
If you’re wondering what the cost of laser nail therapy is, you’re likely also interested in how the process works.
Considered by many doctors to be the “gold standard” of laser toenail fungus removal, the PinPointe Foot Laser kills fungus by penetrating under the nail without damaging the nail, cuticle, or the tissue around the nail.
The PinPointe Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment is safe, effective, and FDA-approved. The treatment is relatively pain-free, and there are no harmful side effects. No recovery time is required, and patients are allowed to resume regular activity immediately after treatment.
The podiatrists at Laser Nail Therapy offer state-of-the-art toenail fungus laser removal and extraordinary patient care. Our foot specialists provide unmatched expertise in curing toenail fungus for good.
Stop wasting time and money and finally put an end to your toenail fungus issue.