Toenail fungus laser treatment in Plano, TX can vary. Laser treatment is considered a modern approach to addressing this issue. Prior to choosing laser treatment, individuals frequently investigate alternative options, including topical solutions, oral medication, and even home remedies. At our Plano location, our specialized nail doctors focus on toenail fungus treatment, providing personalized consultations to determine the most suitable treatment for you.
Common Toenail Fungus Symptoms and Laser Treatment in Plano
While many identify nail discoloration as a primary indicator of toenail fungus, it represents just one symptom. Thickening of toenails is another common manifestation, creating challenges in trimming and maintenance. This difficulty can lead to discomfort while wearing tight-fitted shoes or during extended periods of walking or standing. To alleviate this, soaking nails in warm water before trimming can soften them, facilitating easier maintenance.
Additionally, brittle or flaky toenails are common symptoms that result in weakness, irregular growth, and the potential lifting of nails from the nail bed. This lifting can create spaces for debris, leading to discomfort, foul smells, and embarrassment. If you experience any of these symptoms, our Plano clinic is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation at (800) 672-0625.
How Does Toenail Fungus Look?
Toenail fungus can manifest in various ways, with yellowish discoloration being a prevalent symptom. Consequently, individuals often feel embarrassed and avoid showing their feet due to their unsightly appearance. At Laser Nail Therapy, our multiple clinics in the Plano area are dedicated to helping you address toenail fungus.
What to do in Plano
Plano, known for its relaxed atmosphere and rapid growth, offers various recreational activities. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy the country club, mini golf courses, or the Clubhouse Golf and Entertainment center. Families can explore Sky Zone Trampoline Park or visit the Water Park of New England. Middleton is a family-friendly destination with plenty of activities, from farm visits to educational tours of historical landmarks.
Opting for Topical Treatments in Toenail Fungus Management
Topical treatments, encompassing an array of creams or solutions that are directly applied to the affected toenail, constitute a widely favored approach in the management of toenail fungus. Despite their popularity, these treatments exhibit limitations in terms of effectiveness, boasting a relatively modest cure rate ranging from five to ten percent.
The application of these topical solutions may seem straightforward, yet the intricacies lie in their ability to penetrate the nail adequately and address the underlying fungal infection comprehensively. The topical nature of these treatments often impedes their penetration through the entire thickness of the nail, resulting in a cure rate that may not be as robust as desired.
The challenge lies in their inability to penetrate the nail fully, allowing the fungus to persist. Many users see minimal results over extended periods.
Navigating the Risks of Oral Medication for Toenail Fungus
Oral medication emerges as a more potent option, with a cure rate of approximately sixty percent. Despite its effectiveness, inherent risks such as liver toxicity and health complications, especially for those with underlying conditions, make it a cautious choice. Constant monitoring through blood tests is necessary, adding a cumbersome aspect to the treatment. Our Plano-based nail doctors discourage the use of oral medication due to potential harm.
Laser treatment in Plano for Toenail Fungus
In our Plano Laser Nail Therapy clinics, doctors employ state-of-the-art laser technology, including the FDA-approved PinPointe Foot Laser. Remarkably, it boasts an eighty-five percent cure rate after just one treatment. Most patients require only a single session, experiencing a safe, painless procedure with no downtime. Post-treatment care recommendations aim to prevent reinfection, and any follow-up treatments, if necessary, are available at reduced rates.
For those intrigued by laser treatment for toenail fungus, our Plano clinics welcome your visit. Operating every day from 9 am to 9 pm, we encourage you to contact us at (800) 672-0625 for additional information or to schedule a free consultation with our board-certified podiatrists. Having successfully treated hundreds of toenail fungus infections, we remain committed to delivering optimal care.