Nail Fungus and Nail bed Separation go hand in hand for most people. Most symptoms of nail fungus are fairly indicative of the condition itself since they aren’t commonly caused by other conditions. Common symptoms of nail fungus include discoloration of the nail and changes in the nail’s texture. These changes may be brittleness, cracking, or flaking of the nail material. When you notice these changes in your nail’s appearance, it is likely because of a fungal infection. However, there are also symptoms of toenail fungus that don’t indicate the condition with as much confidence. One of these is called onycholysis, or the detachment of the nail from the nail bed itself. 

Causes of the nail bed separation

When the nail detaches from the nail bed, this is common because of a fungal infection. As the fungus grows under the nail, it degrades the nail material and weakens its attachment to the nail bed. A detachment of the nail follows. This presents as the nail seeming to not be connected to the skin at the point where it normally is. While nail separating from the nail bed shouldn’t cause any pain itself, sometimes the detached nail can get caught on things and be pulled back. This occurrence can cause pain and make the detachment worse. 

Nail Fungus and Nail bed Separation

While onycholysis is a common symptom of nail fungus, there are other reasons why it can develop. When the nails are especially long, sometimes the additional length can make it easy for the nail to be physically pulled back. If the nail gets caught on something like fabric, for example, the force on the nail coupled with its long length can almost “rip” the nail off of its bed. 

Treatment for Nail Fungus and Nail bed Separation

Nail detachment is likely caused by fungus when it is coupled with other signs of infection like discoloration. If you have noticed onycholysis and are worried it is because of a fungus, you should be seen by a podiatrist for an FDA-approved treatment like the PinPointe laser. This laser only requires one treatment to be effective and has no side effects or downtime. Our nail doctors in Houston, TX are highly specialized and extremely experienced in performing this treatment. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.

cure nail fungus

before laser treatment and after laser treatment