Soften toenails for trimming can be difficult. Infection with a toenail fungus can make the nail itself become brittle, thickened, and hard. Trimming nails when they are in this state of damage can be a difficult task because getting the clippers over the nail can be impossible. Getting enough leverage to clip through thickened, hard toenails can also be difficult. You may feel like if you use enough pressure to clip through the nail you may harm yourself in the process. If you are struggling with this, a better option is to try and soften your toenails before clipping them.

How to soften your toenails

Softening your nails can be accomplished by soaking them regularly. To do this, fill a container like a bathtub with warm water. Epsom salts can also be used to further the softening process. Soak your toes for half an hour or more, depending on how hard and thick your toenails are. After using the soak to soften your nails, try cutting them again. If they are still too hard to cut, you can soak them again for continuous days until they are soft enough to cut. 

If you are taking this route to soften your nails for trimming, you need to be cautious. The excess moisture can promote fungal nail growth if you aren’t careful to thoroughly dry your feet.

If your nails are still too hard to trim after consecutive days of soaking them, you can try applying a nail softening cream. Apply a layer of this cream to your nails and let them soften overnight, then try trimming them the next day.

Thick Fungal Nails

Laser for Toenail Fungus

The best way to soften your nails for trimming is to get the fungus itself treated. After eliminating the fungus, your nails will be thin and easily trimmable. Our doctors can do this treatment with the FDA-approved PinPointe laser. Schedule a free consultation with one of our podiatrists at 1-(800) 672-0625 or get more information on our website.