2 05 / 2022

Manhattan Toenail Fungus Treatments

By |2022-05-02T14:24:13-07:00May 2nd, 2022|

Manhattan toenail fungus treatments include laser treatment. This is the new treatment for curing toenail fungus. People have tried using home-remedies, topical solutions, and oral medication with little to no results. Toenail fungus is more common than people think. It infects about fifty percent of people over the age of 50 in the United States. [...]

19 04 / 2022

Diagnosing Toenail Fungus

By |2022-04-19T07:50:57-07:00April 19th, 2022|

Toenail fungus happens when the fungus overgrows under or on the toenails. Fungus loves to live in warm and moist environments. So sweaty feet in shoes all day may be perfect for fungus. The fungus that infects toenails and fingernails is the same that causes jock itch, athlete's foot, and ringworm. Fungus infections are also [...]

14 04 / 2022

Stop Toenail Fungus from Spreading

By |2022-04-14T10:47:53-07:00April 14th, 2022|

About 50% of all diseases affecting nails are caused by fungal infections. Toenail fungus may cause toenails to be discolored, thick, and/or brittle. As the infection progresses, nails may also start lifting from the nail bed. This makes it difficult to wear certain types of shoes. More than the physical symptoms that a fungus produces, [...]

7 04 / 2022

Toenail Fungus Causes and Risk factors

By |2022-04-07T11:35:40-07:00April 7th, 2022|

Toenail fungus can be caught very easily. It’s infectious and spreads from one nail to the next over time. A person can also be infected if they walk barefoot in public places. These are places where other infected individuals have walked. Toenail fungus is more likely to grow in wet environments. Fungus like public pools, [...]