3 02 / 2022

Athletes and Toenail Fungus

By |2022-02-03T06:48:14-08:00February 3rd, 2022|

Since athletes use their feet a lot for running, kicking, or jumping, they see podiatrists regularly. Toenail fungus is also one of the most common issues why people visit a podiatrist. This blog will discuss what Athletes and Toenail Fungus have in common. Fungi can infect the nail after an injury or trauma. The trauma [...]

31 01 / 2022

Can Bleach Cure Nail Fungus?

By |2022-01-31T10:31:33-08:00January 31st, 2022|

You, like many others, may have desperately scoured the internet in search of a quick home remedy for nail fungus. Upon your search, you might have come across the suggestion to soak your limbs in bleach to kill the fungus. However, this is a complete myth. Beach is not able to Cure Nail Fungus. The [...]

28 01 / 2022

Toenail Fungus Common In Athletes

By |2022-01-28T07:15:02-08:00January 28th, 2022|

Toenail fungus develops underneath the nail where the nail bedding is. Toenail fungus spores thrive in dark and moist environments. Such environments are found in athletic shoes. Toenail fungus occurs commonly in closed moist conditions. Toenail fungus can occur to anyone. But the most common ages that people get toenail fungus are over the ages [...]

12 10 / 2021

Who Can Help With Nail Fungus?

By |2021-11-07T22:38:01-08:00October 12th, 2021|

Who can you turn to to help with nail fungus? The fungus that infects the nail bed is a hardy organism. Eliminating it from under your nails can often be tricky. If you have a toenail fungus, trying to cure it yourself may not be impossible. Because of this, it is a great idea to [...]