4 03 / 2022

Manicure Warnings for Nail Fungus

By |2022-03-04T11:34:14-08:00March 4th, 2022|

Manicure warnings for nail fungus should be known by people who have nail fungus. A lot of people enjoy relaxing at a nail salon. It may seem harmless, but you have to be wary of the nail salon that you go to and how they clean their tools. You’ll never know when someone at your [...]

1 03 / 2022

Habits that Prevent Nail Fungus Infections

By |2023-02-14T23:22:11-08:00March 1st, 2022|

Habits that prevent nail fungus infections are well known. People are not worried about fungal nail infections until they get them. Prevention is more important than getting treatment. Fungi are present everywhere and they thrive in warm, dark, and moist environments. This type of environment is just like the inside of your shoe, which makes [...]

11 02 / 2022

Vinegar Soaks to Treat Toenail Fungus?

By |2022-02-11T09:07:08-08:00February 11th, 2022|

Toenail fungus can be embarrassing and it lasts a long time. Because it can be very difficult to treat, people come up with various remedies over time. One of the most popular home remedies for toenail fungus is vinegar soak. But is it safe and efficient to use Vinegar Soaks to Treat Toenail fungus? There [...]

4 02 / 2022

Being barefoot lead Toenail Fungus?

By |2022-02-04T07:06:31-08:00February 4th, 2022|

As summer rolls around, you might find yourself tempted to ditch your shoes every now and then. But can spending more time barefoot lead to toenail fungus infections? This blog will try to answer your concerns today. We will also address the implications of going barefoot, according to podiatrists? By and large, podiatrists recommend avoiding [...]