1 05 / 2021

Stinky Toenails

By |2021-10-01T10:18:24-07:00May 1st, 2021|

Stinky toenails can be distressing for many people. Oftentimes, stinky toenails are a symptom of a nail fungus infection. Toenail fungus can generally feel embarrassing, shameful, and uncomfortable. It is common to feel uncomfortable showing your toes because of the visual changes that it can cause. Because of this, people with toenail fungus often stop [...]

25 03 / 2021

Freshen Your Stinky Nails

By |2021-10-06T07:48:40-07:00March 25th, 2021|

Stinky nails are never a good thing. Usually, when your feet stink this is a sign of poor hygiene. Because of this, having stinky feet can be big insecurity for a lot of people. Sometimes, your feet may stink because of something other than hygiene.  And this can be even more nerve-wracking. If your feet [...]