16 10 / 2020

Toenail Fungus Infection

By |2021-10-26T10:35:46-07:00October 16th, 2020|

A toenail fungus infection is a common condition that can cause damage to the nail. When left untreated can cause both undesirable aesthetic changes to the nail as well as damage to the nail. These fungal infections need to be recognized as soon as possible. So that they don’t go untreated and become more severe. [...]

25 01 / 2017

Ingrown Toenail: Home Remedies

By |2021-11-15T14:15:01-08:00January 25th, 2017|

Ingrown toenail home remedies may not always work. Ingrown toenails can be painful, inconvenient, and unpleasant. There are a few methods and home treatments you can do that will allow your toenail to stop growing into your skin. These are healthy and cheaper alternatives to nail removal surgery and medical ingrown toenail treatments. How do [...]

20 12 / 2016

Nail Fungus Diagnosis

By |2021-12-29T10:01:08-08:00December 20th, 2016|

Nail fungus diagnosis can be more complicated to determine than you might think. Determining whether a nail has developed a fungal infection or not can be tricky. Often times the nail may simply appear bruised or discolored due to consistent polish use. However, there are a number of ways to detect if you have developed [...]

12 12 / 2016

Public Pools and Nail Fungus

By |2022-01-15T08:28:36-08:00December 12th, 2016|

When someone becomes infected with nail fungus, that person has the ability to spread it to other people around them. If that same person is infected with nail fungus and spends the day at a public pool. That person is putting everyone else in that pool area at risk. All that the other people would [...]