Toenail fungus specialists in Douglasville can vary. The winter time is a fun time when you and your family celebrate the holiday season. It is important to take care of your nails during this time.  As a result, our nail doctors can consult you if you do get infected. Our nail doctors are toenail fungus specialists.

Toenail Fungus in the Winter

Why do people get infected in the wintertime? There are a few ways people get infected. 

  • avoid being barefoot in public places
    • Always wear shoes at public pools, hot tubs, hot springs, gyms, saunas, and locker rooms
  • don’t share any nail clippers with anyone
    • Always disinfect your nail clippers after each use
  • Don’t use the same socks when switching shoes
    • A warm environment in your shoes is perfect for a toenail fungus to develop when wearing thick socks in winter boots

toenail fungus and pedicures

Laser Treatment for a Toenail Fungus in Douglasville

Toenail fungus treatments in Douglasville can vary. If you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically only takes one treatment. Other treatments like topical solutions and oral medication are not as effective. Topical solutions have a very low cure rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way through the nail bed.  This is because it can lead to liver toxicity. You would need to have consistent blood tests throughout the course of taking the medication. 

Our nail doctor in Douglasville, GA recommends this treatment for toenail fungus. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, there’s no pain.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at 800-672-0625 at our Douglasville, GA location, or visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.