Toenail fungus or Onychomycosis (medical term) causes toenails to become thicker, yellow, and brittle. It is one of the most common podiatric (foot) problems. The fungus spreads easily and is difficult to treat. If you see any signs of a fungal nail infection such as changes in color, shape, or texture, see a podiatrist (foot doctor) right away. Treating Toenail Fungus is not the easiest but it’s definitely doable.

Perfect Environment for Fungus

Fungus thrives in dark and damp environments like sweaty socks and shoes. One can also be infected from shared nail tools, shower floors, and pool areas. These environments can cause an athlete’s foot. If you have an athlete’s foot, you are prone to getting toenail fungus.

Who can treat Toenail Fungus?

Foot doctors or podiatrists deal with thousands of patients with toenail fungus. Visual examination is the main method of diagnosing toenail fungus. The doctor may recommend creams or ointments to apply topically. Another option may be to take oral pills. This medication is typically taken during the course of about 6 months and is normally not recommended by our doctors. This is because the oral medication can damage the liver. 

Laser treating Toenail Fungus

Laser treatment is also available to treat toenail fungus. The PinPointe Laser is very effective because it kills all the fungus by penetrating through the nail and targeting the fungus on the nail bed. It is painless and does not have any side effects. This treatment allows your toenail to become fungus-free and grow back healthy.

In addition, you should always avoid toenail fungus. You can do this by washing your feet daily and drying them completely afterward. You should also keep your toenails trimmed using clean nail clippers. 

If you have toenail fungus or see its symptoms, do not let it get worse. contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors. We have over 150 Toenail Fungus Treatment Clinics in the United States and Canada, including Northridge, CA.